Trestle Board September 2018

October 8th, 2018

From the Worshipful Master

Where I would like to see Wayfarers Lodge #50 in the next five years.

Having our attendance increased by new members and the return of many members who are not attending much anymore.

The lodge is financially sound with income from fundraisers and memberships. A strong line of officers focused on the goals of the lodge and commitment to making the lodge stronger. A commitment to learning ritual of the line officers, learning not only your part but the person ahead in the line.

More time together as brothers to fellowship, not just lodge business meetings.

The continuing of LRP meetings to keep line officers informed and on track with the goals of the lodge.

In service to the craft
Ken Olsen
Worshipful Master

From the Senior Warden

Where would I like to Wayfarer’s Lodge five years from now:

This month, we’re writing about masonic family. We all know that after the three degrees of Masonry, we can choose to move on to some appendant bodies like the York Rite, Scottish Rite and the Shrine.

We can get our wives involved as well through Eastern Star, Amaranth and others. As a father of someone in each of the youth organizations I’ll focus this writing on how we as a lodge can grow by supporting the youth appendant bodies.

The major youth organizations are Demolay, Rainbow Girls and Job’s Daughters. We’ve seen these young men and women grow into leaders. I’ve found the skills learned in these organizations truly prepare our kids for leadership roles in life.

Supporting these groups is also a major way we as a Blue Lodge can attract more men and bring more men into our fraternity. We see from Demolay a number of young men in Arizona joining lodges – one of whom we just passed to the degree of Fellowcraft ourselves. Obviously a group for boys is a good start to get younger members as they start aging out, but let’s dig deeper and see how we can grow with the other organizations.

When a girl joins either Rainbow or Jobies, we not only get to help a girl grow, we also have the opportunity to meet brothers, mothers and fathers and help grow our fraternity. I have seen quite a few fathers of Jobies ad Rainbow Girls who have joined the fraternity in recent months who would not have been here if not for their daughters.

When the Rainbow Girls and Jobies majority, the bonds they’ve formed oftentimes lead them to Eastern Star. Guess what! Now these young women who have just joined OES, have boyfriends and husband and friends and other relatives that they can bring into masonry to help grow the Lodge as well.

The masonic family is just that. A family where we can all lean on our brothers and sisters, and know our kids can be safe wherever in the world they are when they need a meal.

Stephen Liguori
Senior Warden

From the Junior Warden

Where would I like to Wayfarer’s Lodge five years from now:

Having been a member of Wayfarers Lodge #50 for over 35 years I have seen the greatness that this lodge was and hope that we can regain. With the recent passing of so many of our older members, and attending their services, I can help but be reminded of the good the Masonry does for individuals. At WB Art Molay’s eulogy I heard of the many contributions and joy that he brought to so many organization and people, at brother’s John Walter’s service, I learned of his 50-year membership at Wayfarers, his 70-year marriage, his three children who were all Job’s Daughters, and grandchildren and great grandchildren, all who spoke about his virtue of patience.

WB George Crider who also passed, I knew well, he was always welcoming to anyone who walk through our doors, his membership in so many Masonic organizations, his passion for charity and to children and love for his family, will always be his legacy in our lodge.

My hope for Wayfarers in the next five years is that we get back the dedication and values that have been imbedded in our members for over sixty years. I want to see all our members be as dedicated to their role in making good men better, as exemplified by the three brothers mentioned above. I want to see that when you pass to celestial lodge above, that we hear of the many virtues and contributions that you made in the lives of your family, your community and your lodge.

This all starts with dedication to your membership, and attendance in our lodge. We can’t learn and pass on these lessons, if you’re not present. I would like to see all member rededicate ourselves to our obligations as a Mason, I want to see all members practice out of the lodge the lessons taught within the lodge.

My hope is that each member becomes the next WB Art or WB George or brother John, they all put in the time, effort, and practiced the virtues throughout their lives.

Join me in this cause, join me in lodge.

Doug Steele/JW

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