Trestle Board May 2015

May 11th, 2015

From the Worshipful Master

To everyone that may have heard, we have been informed by the Grand Lodge that our insurance carrier, a carrier that provides us with a blanket policy under the Grand Lodge, has elected to cease its coverage going forward due to a number of factors. As everyone knows we lost the building for the Winslow Lodge and there was expensive roof damage at the Flagstaff Lodge. These factors and more has caused our insurance carrier to inform us that they will no longer cover the constituent lodges. That said we have been informed by the Grand Master that they are working diligently to get us new quotes for insurance, as well as provide us ample time to find a new policy. In addition the efforts of the Grand Lodge, the secretary, treasurer, and trustees of Wayfarers, as well as myself, have been working very hard to secure a new policy in plenty of time for the Grand Lodge to be satisfied with what we have purchased. We will be talking about this at the Stated Meeting this month and we are certain a resolution will come quickly. I would like to stress to everyone that we have the matter well in hand, and that the Grand Lodge is behind us 100%.

Speaking of the Grand Lodge, everyone knows that next month we will be having our Grand Communication. We will be meeting to discuss the various legislative actions taken by the body of the Craft, and this is an important moment each year for our state. We look forward to peace and harmony and meeting among brothers as we deliberate what is best for the Craft. I take my role in this process very seriously, and I am honored beyond what words can describe the trust that our lodge has in me that I will vote for the good of the Craft and for our lodge in particular.

I hope that everyone will come to the stated meeting so that we can go over the legislation together and so that you can all have your voices heard. It is one of the most important points each year and everyone should have a say in the direction of the our Craft.

Thank you again for the trust you show in me.

Jason Michlowitz
Worshipful Master

From the Senior Warden

Early in June will be what is, arguably, the most important event in Arizona masonry: the Grand Lodge Communication.
While this is a wonderful time to see old friends, make new friends, and enjoy Masonic brotherhood (and, perhaps, alleviate other lodges of their banners to “force” an official visit), it is also, more prominently, the time that the officers and past masters of Arizona lodges vote on new legislation.

This might sound boring–because legislation often is–and as a wise man said, “laws are like sausages: they’re good to have, but you don’t want to watch them being made.” However, it is also extremely important, as the lodges in our state have the opportunity to make their wishes known to the grand lodge.

Equally as important is the stated meeting that Wayfarers has before the Communication.

While the pedestal officers are not required to ask the will of the lodge to guide their voting, it is a tradition at Wayfarers. One of the first meetings I attended was a pre-Communication meeting, at which the officers noted the desires of the lodge to carry them to the GLC and make them known.
I cannot stress enough the importance of this. The brothers in our lodge will not have such a chance to influence the Grand Lodge, and choose the path of masonry in Arizona, until next year’s event.

Do not pass up the chance.

Bryan Bullock
Senior Warden

From the Junior Warden

The Masonic fraternity of Arizona, organized a Grand Lodge for the territory of Arizona, and held its first Annual Communication, On the 23rd day of March, 1882, in the city of Tucson, Grand Master A. M. Bragg presiding. Five Lodges represented, embracing a membership of 305. The address is well written, congratulatory and statistical. The report of the Secretary shows that the new Grand Lodge has been recognized by Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, California, Dela ware, Missouri and Illinois. John T. Alsap was elected Grand Master, and George RosKruge as the Grand Secretary.

Every new Lodge must be warranted or chartered by a Grand Lodge. A Grand Lodge, is the usual governing body of the craft or Blue Lodge in a particular jurisdiction. The first Masonic Grand Lodge was established in England in 1717 as the Grand Lodge of London and is know today as the Grand Lodge of England. Each Grand Lodge functions independently of any other Grand Lodge, setting its own rules and rituals, and determining which other Grand Lodges to recognize.

Other organisations which only accept Master Masons, such as Scottish Rite and the Shriners, have their own governing bodies, not called Grand Lodges, which are not directly accountable to the Grand Lodge in the jurisdiction in which they operate. Other Masonically-affiliated orders, such as the OES and DeMolay, are also independent. However, these organisations’ governing bodies, as a rule, defer to their Grand Lodges as the essential authority over Masonry in their regions.

Ben Kruse
Junior Warden

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