Lodge Stated Meeting, Website, Dues Now Due

January 9th, 2017

Brothers and Friends,

Tomorrow is our monthly stated meeting. As always dinner begins at 6:00PM and our meeting begins at 7:00PM sharp. We will be discussing lodge events and fundraisers among other topics. Please come and have your voice heard.

Dues are now due and payable. While we still have not found a solution to our PayPal issue, we are continuing to work that problem. In the mean time, dues can be paid in person or by mailing to the secretary. We are also in the process of finalizing a mailbox on the property for future mail needs.

Finally, it is known that our lodge website is out of date for the new year. As soon as we receive all of the pictures and all of the remaining officers are installed this will be correct. Please be patient as we finalize the transition under new leadership.

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