Wayfarers Lodge Masonic Movie Night / Education 

Each month, on the fourth Tuesday of the month, we host our Masonic Movie Night at the Square and Compass Theatre with the viewing of a movie based upon Freemasonry. The movie will start at 7:00 PM. All are welcome to view all movies we present, who are interested in Freemasonry, and as is well established brothers who would like to learn more about our rich history, enjoy a movie and popcorn!

Bring your family, friends and all interested in an evening of fun and popcorn! This has been a great venue for learning about our Fraternity and enjoying a family evening with others! We follow with a discussion about the movie where we discover some of the origins behind the ancient mysteries for those interested!

Click below to see our Masonic Education blog to read other materials for the various courses we teach.

Wayfarers Lodge
Masonic Education